Kazalo strani

Prijava na e-novice

želim prejemati e-novice BRACO


Trailer Braco:
v Koloseju in Maribox-u,
v nedeljo, 30. november 2017

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Prispevek: Kako lahko pogled ponudi več kot najboljši govor in druge tehnike?
v oddaji Klepet ob kavi,
v nedeljo, 17. april 2016

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Prispevek: Srečanje z BRACOM v Mariboru
v oddaji Dobro jutro na TV SLO1,
v sredo, 5. marca 2014 ob 7.20

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S pogledom nad blokade
Video prispevek: Dohovna obzorja
...>> klikni za ogled...

Oddaja o srečanju z Bracom v Rogaški Slatini
Na sporedu 1. julij 2011
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Meetings with Braco

slovenija hrvatska germany italy

Rogaška Slatina – Kulturni center, Celjska cesta 3/a

Braco's Gaze:

Saturday, 09.05.2018 from 8:00 to 15:00

Ljubljana – Hotel Mons (Pot za Brdom 4)

Braco's Gaze:

Sunday, 22.04.2018 from 7:00 to 15:00

Opatija – Hotel ADMIRAL (Ulica Maršala Tita 139)

Braco's Gaze:

Friday, 20.04.2018 from 16:00 to 19:00 and
Saturday, 21.04.2018 from 9:00 to 13:00

Entrance: 40 HRK (5 €)


00386 (0)3 71 33 100 (Društvo Izvir);
00386 (0)41 769 686 (Janko);
00386 (0)1 470 27 01 (Hotel Mons);
00386 (0)41 840 264, 00386 (0)4 58 62 458 (Verica);;

Who is Braco?

BRACO is a man of higher consciousness. Even as a youth he was recognized as one whose life's mission is to help people address their various problems, such as, health, psychological, family, emotional, and many other issues. He felt an impulse to give and he has taken on this pathway. Today, many people who experience meeting with Braco, through his Gaze or his Voice, receive a new self–awareness on how to live better quality lives while remaining true to themselves and to their own personality.

Where does he work?

Usually people meet Braco in his Center located at Srebrenjak 1 in Zagreb. Once a month Gazing Sessions are held in Ljubljana, Rogaska Slatina and Opatija. He also travels to United States, Japan, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Macedonia,…

Braco's Gaze

Braco doesn’t hold individual Gazing Sessions, instead he works with groups. Each group is prepared to meet with Braco’s Gaze by his close associates. They briefly explain Braco’s effects on people as well as the instructions on what to do and how to behave in a meeting while in his presence. Most people have given similar testimonies of how through Braco’s Gaze they felt easiness, peace; they felt they had been touched by the energy often experienced as heat and tingling in their bodies and tears in their eyes… The intensity of experiences depends on the person, their openness to Braco and ability to trust what they are feeling and receiving through the energy flow.
Sessions last about 30 minutes and are only for people over 18 years of age. Pregnant women are not allowed to attend. For those severely ill and who cannot attend they can benefit through having their photos present during a session. The experiences of many are in favor of this method, the effects being the same as if the person is physically present.

Braco's Voice

When Braco is not present personally, his Voice Sessions are held by listening to his message. At your disposal are required materials to help deepen your understanding of Braco’s working methods preparing you for a better and more powerful opening to the energy flow, which can positively influence its effects and results on your well being. These are books, movies, symbols of the Sun and other materials.

Note:  Persons who are currently using medications or undertaking other treatments are to continue with them as recommended by your doctor!



Rogaška Slatina
Kulturni center, Celjska cesta 3/a
sreda: 09.05.2018

vsako uro med 8:00 do 15:00

Hotel Mons (Pot za Brdom 4)
nedelja: 22.04.2018

vsako uro med 7:00 do 15:00

Hotel ADMIRAL (Ulica Maršala Tita 139)
petek: 20.04.2018

vsako uro med 16:00 do 19:00

sobota: 21.04.2018

vsako uro med 9:00 do 13:00

več informacij ...>>   

Kdo je Braco – kje in kako deluje?
Braco – človek, polno harmonije in ljubezni

Knjige Grigorija Grabovoja – znižana cena

Ugodnosti za člane Društva Izvir

Društvo in Turistična agencija IZVIR, GIZ R TIM
t: 00 386 (0)3 713 31 00, f: 00 386 (0)3 713 31 13,, fb društvo Izvir